Just Plymouth Privacy Policy
Information on Just Plymouth is never passed or sold on to a third party. Neither does Just Plymouth send out marketing emails.
Under the EU GDPR you have certain rights regarding your data.
- The right to ask for a copy of any data we hold about you.
- The right to have your data removed.
- The right to have incorrect data corrected.
- The right to object to the use of your data.
- The right to have your data given to you in a suitable format.
- The right to submit a complaint about how your data is being used to the Information Commissioner.
Visitor comments or user logins would generate cookies. Just Plymouth does not allow either therefore Just Plymouth does not use those types of cookies.
Just Plymouth uses Google Analytics and Adsense so there are Google generated cookies.
Site Visitor Stats
Site visits are logged by our hosting company by counting visitor numbers using their IP address. An IP address does not reveal much, town and country, just a general location.
Contact Forms
Our forms collect name, email address and IP address. This information is seldom retained.
Our Advertisers
The data kept is the usual.
- Business name
- Address
- Telephone and or mobile number
- Email address
- Contact name
Clubs & Societies can list their details.
Taxis and transport companies can list their details.
Artists that have a connection to Plymouth may list their details and display a gallery of their images. (There is a small one off charge for this).
Any individual, business or club listed can have their listing edited or removed on request.