Royal Naval Chef Aaron Wynne of Plymouth-based HMS Enterprise has been rewarded for his major contribution to his ship – both in feeding and keeping them fit to fight.
Aaron was awarded the 2013 Worshipful Company’s Annual Award in recognition of being the member of the ship’s crew who has made the most valuable contribution to the operational efficiency of the ship.
The award was presented to Aaron by the Worshipful Company of Cutlers at their Annual Award Ceremony in London. He was nominated by the ship as the one person on board who delivered a significant increase in operational capability through his sustained personal and professional effort.
Aaron was recognised for his continuous dedication to being a member of the crew who is always willing to go the extra mile in order to ensure his ‘shipmates’ get the best possible holistic service in terms of food and fitness.
The demands placed on a chef in today’s Royal Navy are considerable with a constant timetable of meals expected in all conditions at sea set against high expectations of the crew – but Wynne’s added enthusiasm to provide good food and set him apart from his compatriots. Despite being a junior chef, his lack of seniority is never evident in the level of professional knowledge he demonstrates through the exemplary food provided to the crew. Always looking for opportunities to further himself for the benefit of the ship, Aaron also received three merits at the annual prestigious tri-service catering competition.
His constant striving was to not only provide the whole crew with exquisite food, but also with a way to burning it off again through organising and running whole ship’s sports and circuits. At the same time he remains a crucial active member of the ship’s first aid team.
The award was presented to Chef Wynne while the ship was undergoing a maintenance period scheduled before the ship carries out her mission of surveying the south west of the UK before deploying later this year.
HMS Enterprise is one of two survey vessels, HMS Echo is also based in Plymouth. Launched in 2003. She is a watch rotation ship and has a crew of 75 men and women, with 50 onboard at any one time. This class of warship is designed primarily for military data gathering, principally with the use of multi-beam sonar, providing defence with a rapidly deployable, organic military data gathering capability for the collation of geospatial information. She is armed with two 20mm cannons, 2 Mk44 mini-guns and 4 general purpose machine guns.
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