The Maritime Aviation Support Force (MASF) based at Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose provides a “one stop shop” to meet personnel requirements and provide the professional aviation specialists essential to support naval aviation operations from ships and land bases anywhere in the world.
When a Squadron of Naval aircraft deploys to a ship or any other detached operating base, it is essential that the various supporting facilities are available to cope with any situation. Flight Deck activities, Logistic and Catering Support, Operations, Engineering Support, even medical assistance, are all part of the specialist services which come from MASF.
MASF celebrated its first birthday on 8 Sept 2011and personnel were on hand to celebrate in true navy style; with a bit of cake and a cuppa.
MASF Sailors are now sited throughout the hot spots of the globe; they can be found afloat in British home waters, the Mediterranean, and the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. They support Aircraft Carriers, Assault Ships, Supply Vessels and Patrol Vessels. They can be found in Oman, the Arabian Gulf, the Caribbean (providing Hurricane and Disaster relief), the Falkland Islands, North East Africa (Anti-Piracy work) and in enforcement of the recent No-Fly Zone over Libya.
Personnel from MASF maintain a permanent naval presence on HMS CLYDE and RFAs ARGUS and FORT VICTORIA. MASF Phalanx teams ensure the Close In Weapon Systems of the FORT VICTORIA and BAY and WAVE Class are fully maintained and ready to go.
There has been a MASF team on RFA FORT VICTORIA since she departed UK waters in August 2010 to conduct Op CAPRI. At present she is nearing the end of a significant AMP package in Port Rashid Dubai in preparation for the forthcoming deployment to the Horn of Africa in support of NATO counter piracy operations.
The Royal Navy’s Hurricane and Disaster Relief team, administered by MASF, recently deployed to the Caribbean on RFA WAVE RULER. Along with a Lynx from 815 Sqn, their mission is to provide reassurance and assistance, primarily to the 6 UK Overseas Territories (Bermuda, Anguilla, Turks & Caicos, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands and Montserrat) but also to provide assistance to any territory in the region if requested. In addition to the Lynx the Ship has a heavy-lift boat capacity and carries a full package of emergency relief stores as well as an outfit of immediate relief items provided by the Department for international Development.
WAVE RULER will also carry out Counter-Narcotics tasking and a full range of wider regional engagement activities in support of UK interests in the Caribbean. This will include participation in 4 Independence Day Celebrations and a multi-national operation. MASF has had a very busy and involved first year. Its personnel have been involved in most Operations and can be found supporting RN units all around the world and is now preparing for another eventful year ahead.
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