Newly qualified and future Ministry of Defence engineers have been rewarded at an awards ceremony in Plymouth Naval Base.
The Defence Equipment and Support (DES) organisation’s Advanced Engineering Apprentice Deeds and Awards Ceremony took place at HM Naval Base Devonport. This awards the new intake of apprentices to Devonport with their Deeds of Apprenticeship and celebrates the graduation of the completing apprentices.
Lorna Stubbs, Apprentice Development Manager (Devonport), said: “I am extremely proud of what we can offer here in Devonport – The performance of the Royal Marine Corps of Drums at the event and the voluntary support provided by many members of staff here in Devonport demonstrates the passion and commitment we feel in supporting our young people at the beginning of their careers. The Deeds and Awards ceremony will hopefully instil a sense of achievement and belonging to an apprenticeship they should be justly proud of.’’
2016 sees the highest number of new joiners in Devonport since the scheme started in 2009, with a total of 17 bringing the total number of DE&S Apprentices based in HMNB Devonport to record number of 41.
Ben Ham, apprentice with Defence Quality Assurance Field Force (South Plymouth), said: “The apprenticeship over the past three years has grown and now with this year’s deeds and awards has firmly cemented it as a highly regarded and integral part HMNB Devonport. I hope with my achievements I have inspired all the current phases and the new joiners to do their best.
I’m thankful for the MOD DE&S for the opportunity given to me for a new career, and I look forward to a bright and varied future.’’
The ceremony was attended by Commodore Ian Shipperley, Naval Base Commander, and Clive Buckley Head of DES Engineering Skills Development who presented awards.
Friends, family and MoD personnel who provide essential support to the apprenticeship through placement supervision enjoyed an outstanding performance by the Royal Marines Corps of Drums to kick off the ceremony.
A special award was presented under the national initiative STEM – to promote education and careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths support to Axel Nicks, while academic awards were given to Ben Ham, Joe Quigley and Dan King.
The ceremony concluded with all phases of the apprenticeship networking with each other to create and develop a firm network of support.

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