The latest recruits to the Ministry of Defence at Plymouth, have been presented with their training qualifications.
Eleven trainees passed out of the Devonport MOD Technician Apprenticeship Scheme and were presented with their awards at a ceremony in the HMS Drake Wardroom, HM Naval Base, by Commodore Graeme Little, base commander.
Chris Warn, apprentice development manager for Devonport, said: “This is an ideal opportunity for our VIP, Commodore Little, to present the final deeds certificates to those passing out of the scheme. In addition, he has awarded performance prizes to those apprentices currently in their second and final years and welcomed those joining the scheme.
“The apprenticeship in Devonport gets better and better, the lessons learnt by those passing out today and the staff who helped to make that happen, will enable us to refine the programme to provide an ever-improving scheme.”
The Devonport scheme, started in 2009, aims to make the most of the superb training environment based on
the waterfront. This ceremony marks the first passing out of band D engineering support service managers to work in the dockyard. This success of the scheme is due to the hard work and support of the business areas and the majority of the apprentices have now passed into these same areas as qualified workers at various grades. Three of the apprentices have already departed permanently for positions at MOD Abbeywood, at Bristol, taking their maritime knowledge and experience with them.
The presentation saw the award of performance prizes for the 2010 and 2011 entries. Richard Griffiths and
Joanna Ash were selected for the top HNC student and noteworthy contribution to the MOD business prizes. Stuart Redford and Bart Smorag were selected for the top National Diploma and best Performing Engineering Operations awards.
Ross Ambrose was selected to receive the Apprentice Development Manager’s (ADM’s) prize. The eight new joining apprentices, with guests, were also invited to attend the evening to welcome them to the fold and give them the opportunity to find out a bit more about the course from fellow Apprentices, MOD and Brunel Gordano training support staff, members of the business areas and staff from both City College Plymouth and Cornwall College.