The Ministry of Defence police dog force at Plymouth Naval Base has been bolstered by the addition of its first sniffer recruit.
PC Hannah Kinchenton, based in HM Naval Base, Devonport, has completed training with her newly-qualified search dog Denver.
She said: “My training was very enjoyable. Denver worked really well throughout the course, we carried out training at a number of different venues incorporating vehicles, buildings and areas. There was a lot to learn with regards to systems of search, explosive compounds and there uses and reading the dog and his indications.
The working pair were tested on theoretical elements and underwent practical assessments including scenarios designed to ensure Hannah and Denver worked safely as a team and could find any explosives hidden by the trainer.
Hannah said: “Denver worked really well and made the course thoroughly enjoyable for me. He is a great asset for the naval base and the dog section and I very much look forward to working him operationally. As for now, I am back on shift working both Denver and with my other dog Evar in their respective roles, Denver in his search capacity and Evar in his normal police dog role.’’
Denver has hit the ground running on his new career and is a common sight at Devonport Naval Base taking part in high-profile searches in specific buildings and in vehicles at various access gates on a random basis.
He has a busy schedule which includes taking part in ad hoc searches to ensure security and safety for events such as the annual Families Day, and ship homecomings amongst other events.
Hannah, who, in common with colleagues takes her dogs home, said: “In terms of me and my job, it has meant that my days get a lot busier as I am working both dogs. I do enjoy having a full schedule and it is very rewarding watching the dogs working. At the end of the day I go home with the dogs and they are both as tired as I am!’’
MOD Police dog handlers and their charges are deployed worldwide to protect UK assets and help ensure the security and safety of buildings and personnel.
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