Royal Navy Police Officer John Hewitt has received a Provost Marshal (Navy) commendation for bravery in the face of real adversity during an incident in Plymouth involving a violent male who was drowning.
John, a Leading Regulator based at RN Police HQ (Western) HM Naval Base, Devonport, was working with Devon & Cornwall Police in the early evening when he received a report of a vulnerable man who had jumped into Sutton Harbour. While he was being helped by John and another officer, the man turned violent.
The head of Royal Navy Police, Commander Tony Day, presented the award at the force Western Area HQ in Devonport. He said John showed great courageousness and disregard for his own safety: “You placed your own safety at risk in order to safeguard the person you were trying to assist. I am very proud of you. This is exactly the type of response we expect of a Royal Navy Police Officer on duty.’’
Police were called because there were real concerns the man could potentially drown or suffer from hypothermia. Paul helped an inspector from Devon and Cornwall Police, who was trying to communicate with the man who had been in the water for 30 minutes.
After a long period of negotiation and with the assistance of the MOD Police boat, the man was removed from the water and helped onto the pontoon by John and the inspector. Both officers tried to detain the man when he became violent while being helped. Without fear for his own safety John assisted the inspector with the male who was increasingly violent and tried to pull police officers with him back into the water.
During the incident John was assaulted by the male who spat directly into his face and mouth, but despite this, the officer remained professional and continued to restrain the male, but mindful of the man’s welfare at all times. The detainee was handed to the custody of Devon and Cornwall Police.
John, 33, of Plymouth, said: “It is really good to be appreciated for something like this, though I know many of my colleagues in the branch regularly have similar very unpleasant and violent experiences. We sometimes have to cope with very difficult situations. But I’m proud to have this commendation.’’
The citation states ‘Leading Regulator Hewitt is recommended for a Provost Marshal (Navy) Commendation for his outstanding professionalism, self-control and courageousness in the face of real adversity’.
Royal Navy Police Officer Luciano Uccella has been presented with an award for his excellence in developing partnerships.
Leading Regulator Uccella was awarded a Provost Marshal (Navy) Commendation at a ceremony in HM Naval Base Devonport, Plymouth.
He has been recognised for excelling in carrying out his role normally performed by a more senior officer, in particular fostering the strong partnership between the Royal Navy Police and Devon and Cornwall Police.
While working as the Acting Regional Intelligence Officer at RN Police Headquaters (Western) in Plymouth Luciano ensured continuity while fulfilling the roles and responsibilities of the senior investigator (intelligence). This post is normally performed by a more senior Master-at-Arms.
His ‘mature’ approach coupled with a ‘can do’ attitude meant the RN Police Headquaters (Western) maintained a full intelligence capability. He represented the Royal Navy Police at bi-weekly Devon and Cornwall Police senior level co-ordination meetings and with excellent interpersonal skills forged relationships, developed joint police operations and greatly impressed the civilian police community. Luciano dealt with numerous MOD and outside agencies on a daily basis, always producing good results.
The citation stated: ‘Overall, Leading Regulator Uccella delivered an outstanding performance throughout his tenure at RN Police Headquaters (Western). His efforts in developing intelligence in the western area were excellent and his interaction with Devon and Cornwall Police further embellished Royal Naval Police relationships with the Home Office Police. In that role he performed to a level normally expected of a seasoned senior rate and he proved himself to be the epitome of what the Royal Navy should expect from a member of the Royal Navy Police’.